Improved Pipe Performance
ePIPE will improve the performance of small diameter pipes in a number of ways
• Prevent leaching of heavy metals such as lead
• Seal leaks and prevent further internal corrosion
• Reduce discolouration
• Improve flow by removing encrusted corrosion and deposits
Less Disruption for the Customer
Replacing internal pipes or relaying new buried service pipes is expensive and disruptive. With the ePIPE alternative…
• Restrictions and costs associated with excavating are reduced
• Same day return to service
• Risk of damaging adjacent services such as telecoms, gas or electric during replacement is eliminated
• Internal patch repairs to walls and floors are avoided
• Excavation scars left in driveways and footpaths eliminated
• Heavy plant and equipment working in and around the home or facility no longer required
• No digging, no internal plumbing refit
No Digging
ePIPE is a ‘no-dig’ technology and therefore much less disruptive than replacement. Access points and disruption to existing plumbing can be kept to a minimum. Special adaptors for internal and external stop taps can provide access to the ends of the pipe without the need to cut into it. In fact, all the customer will see inside the home is a hose running from under the sink and out the back door. It’s simple but effective.
Better for Lead Remediation
In the context of lead remediation the outcome must be the effect in reducing dissolved lead at the customer tap. Replacing communication pipes in isolation won’t always achieve this, and sometimes due to disturbance might actually increase risk. We are therefore committed to working with clients to provide a better customer outcome by lining service pipes all the way to the customer’s tap.
Better for Leakage and Water Quality
An ePIPE protected pipe will improve water quality, prevent further internal corrosion and reduce leakage. The benefits therefore helps to address regulatory performance across both serviceability areas.
Better for Customer Outcomes
ePIPE will provide protection along the entire length of the service pipe as long lengths can be lined in one process. This holistic approach ensures that customer outcomes are achieved rather than the risk of noncompliance at the tap resulting from partial replacement. ePIPE now also offers a realistic alternative to phosphate dosing for water companies.
Better for you
Pipe Restoration Services is perfect for helping achieve results for…
Leakage Managers
Water Quality Managers
Main Contractors
Facilities Managers
Social Housing Landlords
Public buildings (hospitals, schools, etc.)
Fire suppression/sprinkler systems
Transport hubs (airports, railway stations, etc.)
Industry approved
ePIPE Lead-Free, Leak-Free™ Pipe Protection is the fi rst lining material and process of its kind to meet the stringent requirements of both Water Regulatory Advisory Scheme (WRAS) and the Drinking Water Regulation (DWI) 31. Approval under regulation 31 included effectiveness of reducing lead leaching.
Not only this but ePIPE boasts a 2 hour cure time. The fastest in the industry!
Pipe Restoration Services (PRS) has received approval for the use of its innovative pipe lining system, ePIPE technology, in public water supplies. Approval means that the lining process can be used on any water company or privately owned water services and internal pipework to repair leaks and address lead contamination issues.
Pipe Replacement
✘ Risk of damaging internal and external services such as telecoms, gas or electric.
✘ Disruption to working environment and facility operation
✘ Patch repairs to walls and floors
✘ Excavation scars left in driveways and footpaths
✘ Heavy plant and equipment working in and around
the home or facility with safety risks
✘ Restrictions and costs associated with excavating
in the public highway
✘ Slower process
✔ Line both the communication pipe and supply pipe
in the same setup for cost effectiveness
✔ ePIPE was developed as a small pipe service solution;
enabling leakage from small bore pipework and plumbing
to be eliminated
✔ Cures both service pipe leakage and dissolved lead
without the need to relay the pipe
✔ Offers lower carbon footprint than pipe relay
✔ Only one excavation is required (over the connection
to the main)
✔ ePIPE lining is inserted directly into the stop tap or
boundary box without the need for excavation
✔ Offers a more comprehensive compliant solution
for tackling dissolved lead in comparison to other
✔ Requires minimal customer engagement or impact
resulting in an enhanced customer experience
✔ Little or no reinstatement of customers’ properties is
✔ Offers a more targeted and sustainable solution
than plumbosolvency dosing
✔ ePIPE can be applied to lead, copper, galvanised or
plastic services and internal pipework
✔ ePIPE has a proven and successful worldwide track